Saturday, March 19, 2011



It was a gorgeous Spring day and what better to do than...
take a drive in the country and go fishing!  Our nephew has friends
that have a ranch close to Midlothean, Texas with three fishing tanks.
We caught big mouth bass and a few brim.  Because it is spawning season,
we threw them back and will catch them again later on in the spring.
I caught one as big as the one Phil has in the picture below but didn't
have my camera at the time.  I do have witnesses, my nephew, brother-in-law
and Phil, my husband.  It was a glorious day and we had so much fun.
Thanks for the memories, John!

Photos of the prairie lands around the tanks we fished.

We were not alone out there. 

Ya'll come back, ya hear!!!!!!


  1. It looks like a glorious day to be outside and that is one big fish.. how much fun and glad you got to enjoy the day.

  2. That looks like so much fun. Love the caption under the longhorns, too.
