Friday, February 4, 2011


Inspired by a painting by Rusty Jones
Acrylic on Canvas
Margie Whittington

It is still cold here in Fort Worth. It snowed this morning and now the
sun is shining and the day looks a lot brighter.  I painted this
colorful old barn using a painting by Rusty Jones, a super artist, as my inspiration.
I edited it some but enjoyed the bright colors he used in his rendition.
It was fun just painting and enjoying the process.  During these cold
icy and snowy days I have counted my blessings among them a warm home.
Another is that I did not have to get out and drive to work.  My husband and hero
did and he stopped on his way home to get milk, bread and eggs!
We have enjoyed our evenings by the fire watching favorite TV
programs, movies and playing backgammon. 

Looking forward to warmer days ahead!


  1. Hello Margie, I'm enjoying seeing your work on your blog. Glad you made it through the record blizzard of 2011!

  2. Love this barn Margie. I agree with you and the brighter colors. I'd like to refurbish this barn and live in it!
