Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vacation Bible School 2010

Vacation Bible School
Sagamore Baptist Church
Fort Worth, Texas

The Following pictures are of the VBS
at our church.  There were so many talented and
dedicated people who worked together to decorate and
plan for the 100+ children expected during the week of
June 14 thru 18, 2010
Several chuck wagons were built, sets painted,
and a million other details  went into this VBS.
The western theme was carried through out the
different activity rooms and auditorium.

Chuck Wagon on stage in Auditorium
built by Paul and Scottie

Some posters and props were purchased at
Life Way Christian Store

 Four 4ft. x 8ft. Panels were painted by
Brandi, Sarah, Judy and Margie

The stage in the sanctuary looked
mighty western, padner!

This tall cowboy welcomed the children in
the entrance of the church.  The kids on
 the fence and horse also welcomed the
children as they came in to register for VBS.

These props were painted by
Brandi, Judy and Margie

The Music Room was decorated with more
Panels and a river with a campfire and a

Crafts were in the barn with a horse and
stuff you would find in a barn.

The barn walls were built by Kay, Peggy, Ruth, Judy
 LaVenia and Anita.
The barn walls and horse were painted by Margie
with the help of Phil and Mike

This is the Howdy Cow that welcomed the children
into the Craft Area.

The Bible Story was in a room decorated
with a corral and another Chuck Wagon.
This decor was designed and built by

The Snack area also had a Chuck Wagon
made by Mr. and Mrs. Price.

The Mission area was entered into through
this cave wall built by
Brandi and Jason.


The sets, props and wagons were amazing and done
by some very dedicated people. There are so many leaders, helpers
and workers who all help to make this all come together.
Our hope is that the children who attend the VBS
will gain a knowledge of Jesus and his love for them.

Ya'll come back real soon to see the next painting project!


  1. What a wonderful way to worship the Lord! The children who attend will be very blessed as will the people who put forth the amazing effort and talent that went into this project. May God bless you all.

  2. What a wonderful post about a very special time. I am amazed at all the effort that went into this production.
