Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Mick" Portrait of a Lab

A Chocolate Labrador Retriever
11" x 14"
Acrylic on Canvas
Painted by Margie Whittington

This is a portrait that I just finished for a friend. Mick looks like a very happy dog. I enjoy painting animal portraits. I paint from a photograph of the pet and always like to know their name while I am painting. I feel like I get to know them by the time I am finished with the portrait.

Come back and visit soon to see what I've been painting or
what project some of my classes have been doing.

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  1. Lovely Chocolate lab portrait, Margie -- I know the owners will be delighted. We certainly got a lot of painting done on our Canvas by Canvas Lake House Retreat this past week! BT

  2. I feel like I know him also..Great painting and you were an impressive, productive CBC painter this weekend - an inspiration for all of us to get to work.

  3. Margie, he looks ready to reach out and give you a big kiss for portraying him as cute as he really is!


  4. We got to know "Nick" over the weekend, he is a cutie and well trained!! You do such a beautiful job, loved the lambs also. bg
