Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Quail Season? Correction, Chukar Partridge!

The Chukar Quail visited again on Wed, the 24th.  We googled
Quails and found pictures of the Chukar Quail.  So we know what kind
of bird but don't know where he came from.  He may be living in the
piles of trees limbs at the curb due to the snow storm a
few weeks ago. 

An unusual looking bird, not the
normal ones that hang around our yard, was
looking for his breakfast in our front yard today.
It is very cold here in Ft. Worth, Texas on this
23rd day of February. There were snow flurries as
he pecked around on the ground.
A red beak, red around the eyes and red
legs and feet with stripes on the side made
him very interesting looking.  My friend said it was a Quail.
I would not have know.  I was just curious
why and where he came from.  Maybe
he'll come back tomorrow.  I'll keep a look out.
There may be a bird painting in the near future.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Crazy Quilts & Zentangles


Crazy Quilts and Zentangles are a lot alike.
I have done quilting and I especially like "Crazy Quilts"
because of the different patterns and colors ot the
material used.  Also I use ribbon embroidery in some of the
spaces and tie it all together with embroidery stitches.

"Zentangle" drawings are much the same in that you draw
patterns and designs in the spaces.  I have enjoyed this new (to me) but
old art form.  The round "mandala" designs are another type of
design with pattern in a circular form.  A friend pointed out
 to me that she doodles in her sketch book with the
"Mandalas"  form of doodling.
Eventually I need to get back to painting but am
enjoying this diversion of  doodling and drawing

Below is a Crazy Quilt that I stitched several years ago.
Below that is a Zentangle I drew while watching the
Olympics on TV.  I was

Crazy Quilt Box Lid
with Ribbon Embroidery and Embroidery Stitches

Zentangle Ink Drawing
 in a 9 square motif.

Both art forms deal with pattern and design.

Here are links to more interesting Zentangle sites

Friday, February 12, 2010

Kimono Art Revisited


Patty, a student in one of my watercolor classes was
inspired to paint more Kimonos. Not only did she paint
 a beautiful one, she did a "Zentangle" drawing of a
Kimono.  Also a pretty heart zentangle.
Here they are.  Thanks Patty for letting me
share these on my post.

Friday, February 5, 2010


The Upstairs Gallery
Arlington, Texas

Recently I attended a workshop at the Upstairs Gallery in Arlington, Texas
where I teach watercolor classes.  I was a student once again under
a master painter and teacher, Doug Walton.
Douglas M.Walton is an art professor at Louisiana University. He takes
groups of artists to paint  and draw in Bali and San Migel de Alente.
He is an accomplished painter and teacher in several mediums.
His currant artistic endeavor includes fused glass.  He designs
beautiful necklaces, bracelets, rings and ear rings in exquisite colors of glass. 

His workshop at theUpstairs Gallery was very creative.
We painted abstract underpaintings on saturated full sheets
of watercolor paper with acrylic paint.
After the paper dried we chose a subject and started
developing the background and bringing the subject out with details.
It was great fun to be a memeber of the class.  The change gave me
room to grow and freedom to express myself creatively. 

Below are two of the paintings I finished in the class. They are not painted
in my normal style of painting. Let me know what you think.
See the comment below, just click and leave a comment.

Acrylic on Watercolor Paper
22" x 30"

Acrylilc on Watercolor Paper
22" x 30"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


4" x 4"
Zentangle on Paper
(Ink Doodle)
Margie Whittington

A form of drawing and doodling.
An artist friend, Suzanne Mc'Neill, introduced
me to this creative artform.  She has published a 
book entitled, ZENTANGLE Basics.
Design Originals

Hope you have fun ZRNTANGLEing!!!!!